Wednesday, July 20, 2011

100 Workout

Today I played that lovely waiting game that you play when you are waiting for something to be delivered.  You know the one where you sit there and worry that if you leave you'll miss it but then as time goes on you realize that if you had of left at your normal time you would have been back in plenty of time ... but you can't leave now because you waited too long and ..... AAAHHHHH!  So there I was sitting on my couch fully dressed for the gym but terrified to leave in case the delivery guy showed up.

So I decided to try the 100 Workout that I've seen all over Pinterest lately.  A quick google search yielded this result:

Easy right?  Right...?  Actually, aside from the leg lifts, it wasn't so bad.  Of course, I wasn't about to leave my house for 10 MINUTES to run - what if the delivery guy came!!? - but I did do a minute or two of high knees and called it a day. 

After the fastest shower I could manage (who wants to accept deliveries in a towel?), and a bit more waiting, the bright yellow truck pulled up and I am now the proud new owner of a new set of blinds! 

Can't wait until the Mr. comes home so he can help me put them up!  Weeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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